Poole and dating articles

How to write your advert

Some advice on how to write an advert that matches your personality...

Blind Date Basics

Your friend has just set you up with a guy you have never met and know nothing about. You have those fears. What if I don't like him? What if I like him but he doesn't like me?

Being dumped - get over it!

Virtually everyone has been dumped at some time in their life. I know I have and I know how much it hurts...

First Date Dos and Don'ts

First dates are very nerve racking and often leave us shy, silent and with no chance of getting a second one because we weren't prepared for this one...


Date Ideas

The first date is not just about restaurants and movies. Here are some great first date ideas starting with the very cheap, moving through the more expensive right through to the extravagant, for when you win the lottery!

Get out there and flirt!

No matter what you think, to be a great flirt it's not necessary to be devastatingly attractive, rich, smooth, or good at fluttering your eyelashes.

How to attract a man

I remember my first job. There was this gorgeous guy working there. The only problem was I had never talked to him, but I knew I wanted him.

Chatroom dating

Chatrooms are a great place to meet potential friends, and perhaps lovers. Even better you don't have to dress up and pass visual inspection to go there.

Dating Tips for Men

This may sound cheeky but the worst thing you could do when going out on a date (specially if it is your first date with her) is to turn up unshaven, looking dirty and smelling.

Ending a bad date

The guy that you have fancied for ages has asked you out on a date and you've spent all day getting ready. Then when he turns up he looks like he's been dragged through a hedge backwards and that's just his hair.